Property News

Russian Marketing Assistance

Millions of dollars are being invested by Russians abroad, so it is not surprising that International Developers and Realtors are keen to grab a slice of this lucrative market.

Problems of language, time zones and generally coping with Russian buyers requests, can proof a major hurdle for many overseas companies wishing to enter this market for the first time.

However perhaps one company who is best placed to help is Moscow based aiGroup. With more than twenty one years' experience in the developing Russian markets the aigroup is highly qualified to offer you effective marketing solutions.

The group specializes in organizing international property exhibition in St Petersburg and Moscow, they also publish International Residence Russia's number one overseas real estate magazine and they own the leading international property portal.

Since 2004 the groups events regularly attract over 52,000 investors to over eight exhibitions every year. Their exhibitions specialise in the overseas markets with exhibitors from Europe, Asia and the States.

100,000 Russians also read International Residence published twice a year and the group's property portal now attracts over 5,000 visits every day.

'Our exhibitions are virtually sold out every season, but we are always keen to encourage new exhibitors to participate, as this stimulates buyers interest in new regions', said Kim Waddoup CEO at aiGroup.

'However too successfully sell real estate to the Russian investor is entirely different from say taking a booth at a European exhibition. Here very few investors speak a foreign language, and they prefer to do their business with companies that they can see are regularly marketing real estate in Russia over a period of time. Without careful preparation, foreign real estate companies can waste a lot of manpower and a lot of cash too, 'explained Waddoup.

In order to assist newcomers to the Russian market, the aigroup have launched an annual 'Russian Summit' to offer advice and networking opportunities. Now in its third year, the summit enables developers and realtors to attend a two day conference to listen to Russian based experts explain how to successfully attract and work with Russian buyers.

'Not only do we have some excellent speakers offering advice, but this season we are also hosting a gala dinner plus a table top exhibition so that delegates can network with leading Russian based agents who are looking to represent foreign projects. In order to make the summit a success we hand pick and limit the number of delegates attending to just forty companies, 'said Waddoup.

Brand awareness is also vital to give confidence to a skeptical Russian perhaps buying abroad for the first time. Therefore we advise and encourage companies to prepare a marketing campaign for a minimum of six months before embarking on expensive sales trips. Websites and literature needs to be translated and companies need to consider employing a Russian speaking member of staff as well.

Kim Waddoup added, 'We have staff who can translate ad copy or text to go on our property portal and if you need advice then why not combine a visit to our Moscow International Property Show which takes place during our Russian Summit in November.'

For more information check out the group's website
